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Report Abuse or Sexually Explicit Ads
Cams, as part of its automated affiliate program rules, prohibits the sending of commercial emails and other promotional methods that may violate applicable law and/or otherwise be inappropriate. You can help us. If you have received any form of promotion about which you would like to advise us, please contact us immediately using the form below so that we can investigate it and take further action, if necessary. Thank you.
Description of Abuse:
Select Description
Sexually Explicit Ads
Non-consensual Content
Please provide a full copy of the offending email or advertisement. If you received an advertisement while browsing another website, please provide us with:
The url of that page, e.g. www.adomainname.com.
The url of the offending ad
If possible, also include any headers or any text copied from the “View Source” option in your browser.
Your Email Address:
We do not send unsolicited email. If you want to opt-out of mailings sent from this site go to the
email preferences page
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Complaints Policy